Cotswold Wildlife Surveys

Reports we can produce:
Protected Species Surveys – Bats, Badgers, Birds,
Great Crested Newts, Barn Owls, Reptiles, Otters, Hazel Dormice, Water Voles and White Clawed Crayfish -
Preliminary Ecological Appraisal
Phase 2 Habitat Survey
Daytime and Nocturnal Bat Surveys
Species Mitigation Strategies
Climbed tree inspections for bats and birds
Tree Reports to BS5837:2012 including Arboricultural Method Statement and Tree Protection Plan
Biodiversity Impact Assessment
BREEAM Ecology Report
Construction and Environmental Management Plans
Landscape and Ecological Management Plans
Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment
Habitat Management Plans
Applications can be made for:
Bat Development Licences – England & Wales
Bat Mitigation Class Licences – England
Great Crested Newt Development Licences – England & Wales
Great Crested Newt Low Impact Class Licences – England
Badger Licenses – England
Barn Owl Licences - England
Tree Works Applications